“As many as possible” is a relative term in business.

Steve Douglas
3 min readDec 5, 2022

Many aspire to reach the maximum number of people in their business endeavors. This could be an artist reaching fans, a fund manager reaching clientele, a doctor reaching patients, an entrepreneur reaching customers, etc. I’ve observed this aspiration in music/entertainment, medicine, retail, consumer products, fashion, fitness, technology, education, L&D, human resources, etc. “As many as possible” is typically perceived as the global maximum that the market will bear. What is not often recognized is that the keyword in that phrase, “possible,” is a relative term anchored on one’s individual capabilities and mindset.

The misconception comes when people hear “as many as possible” and take the statement at face value without understanding the category or context of the speaker. In fairness, the speakers often do not recognize their context and what is possible for them either.

When one hears “possible,” one hears pressing the boundaries of the impossible and breaking barriers. At least, that’s what I hear because that’s what I mean when I say “possible.” It’s up to the recipient of that information to understand that what the person is saying is not the global maximum but an individual maximum.

One of the biggest missteps and honest errors in judgment that I’ve made and learned from my friends and peers…



Steve Douglas

Steve is a Canadian polymath whose pro music career officially began at age 4 when he performed live @ Wembley Stadium. His focus = tangibly benefiting youth.