Health and its Industry
Discussing health with most health providers is more challenging than speaking to a wall. These discussions are more challenging than speaking to a wall because a wall stands for something. We must realize (and most importantly accept) that the health industry is constantly evolving alongside medicine. Therefore it’s about managing one’s expectation to see your provider as a guide, not as a destination. While a provider — no matter their scale or level of expertise — knows more than most of us non-accredited individuals, they don’t know all. Expectations should therefore be reasonable when going to any healthcare professional or doctor of any kind. They will guide you to a possible solution but they will most often not possess the root answer to anything. It is incumbent on both parties (patient and healthcare provider) to educate one another in a kind, respectful, and clear way with patience as well as an empathetic disposition. That is the only way to attain a possible solution. It is most important to understand with this process that no one healthcare professional will have the main solution. Often in health, there is a myriad of issues that exist in the body before even one shows its face, so it’s important not to be entitled to an answer that no one person has. The focus for both the patient and the practitioner must be on the process. The focus for the doctor needs to also consistently be on hospitality management. As patients, we cannot hear/process difficult information if the experience isn’t pleasant in some regard. The mind is already noisy in general with concern, worry, and/or imagination. Therefore, when a patient has a bad experience of any kind in a medical setting of any kind, it emphasizes the imagination to a harmful degree. We have and will all end up patients of a medical situation one day, so it is most important that both healthcare providers and their patients have patience, understanding (for both the true process and function of the medical field), as well as empathy. Both must operate as a team in the journey of health and its industry.
Have you ever been far too entitled and needy in a medical situation, losing sight of the ultimate fact that no one is required to care about anything going on with you medically?
P.S. While you can pay someone for “care services”, you cannot pay anyone enough to care.