It’s not that I don’t care. I just care about only the things I’m able to understand.

Steve Douglas
2 min readJul 4, 2022


Things I don’t care about are as follows: most trivial concepts that involve the current state of social media and it’s gossip culture without being anti-social media (as I’ve always seen its benefits), being famous, being well known or known well, being right, being better than any other human (as we are all in the same boat no matter how well any one man can swim), defending my reputation, talking, proving myself to anyone at any time no matter who they are (this includes but is not limited to family), view of sunsets, living by the water, penthouse views of a city, fighting of any kind, notoriety just to be popular and well-liked, other individuals’ choices (as it is always an individual’s choice to do what they wish based on their particular interests outside of the pragmatic and caring direction they may get from someone who cares about their well-being), hate, resentment, proving how proficient I am at communication, and, most importantly, what others think of me as that will always their business.

Things I care about in order of operation are: independence, time, luck, food, health, family, a deep passion to be at peace with myself one day, physics, making sound judgments, environment, respectful communication, money, being of tangible service to people, laughing, important relationships of all kinds, wildlife, trees, Formula 1, mathematics, hockey, football (soccer), rugby, skateboarding, cricket, surfing, and music.

What is on your list?



Steve Douglas

Steve is a Canadian polymath whose pro music career officially began at age 4 when he performed live @ Wembley Stadium. His focus = tangibly benefiting youth.