Media already has a negative tilt.
We are all surprised that the social aspect of media has the same negative tilt in the 21st century that it’s had since the advent of media as a whole. Now a part (which I deem the “social aspect of media”) is reflective of human nature with power. This is in direct contrast to the previous century of media reporting on its view on human nature. Now that human nature has been given a platform unto itself, we are all surprised at the outcome. In my view, the only surprise is being surprised.
It is no surprise that the reality of negativity has simply been given a place to live through ubiquitous cameras and our own personal news station…our phones. Our phone is the source of our thoughts, views, interests, and biases as well as an unreasonable outlook on our inner world which we edit to publicly share sparingly based on what we think of ourselves as opposed to what we think ourselves.
The natural negativity we all share is something that must be addressed daily in order to find order in our home — the body. While the mind controls the body, I theorize that the body equally controls the mind. Meaning: when I feel down and I do 100 pushups in a row, sit in a cold tank for 30 minutes, and then go quickly into a 170-degree sauna 4 times in a row, my mind is controlled outside of what it felt like before I did my personal approach to self-health.
Self-health to me (and only to me) is metabolic. It is not external as external is simply a useful shell to depict as well as deflect the inner dysfunction of us all. Without embracing this human truth, one is only capable of partially embracing life. Specifically, the part we love embracing with no guidance necessary is the superficial part as we all assume what appears to look good is good. This common misnomer we all share is our Achilles heel of being human. Without recognition as well as daily acknowledgment, there is no way to improve. Change will never be possible for any of us, only directionalization of our Behavioral RNA. The myth we tell ourselves about change is derived from a failed strategic ignorance that is feelings-based without observation of the immutable subject matter of us being human in our beings. Whatever we chose to be is based on our choices. This makes all the difference but will never at any point make us different than who we are. We are who we are, but we can also (but never equally) choose what we want to become.
If improvement came with identification, then call this information I share an ID that can not only be personalized but qualified if applied with the appropriate intention. When we learn to improve, media will improve as a whole. We will become what we want to see for ourselves and our children. The byproduct will be an improved whole. The parts that make us what it means to be human will never change, only our choices to directionalize that which does not serve us.