Our justice system justifies its system, not justice.
The justice system is far from the dictionary definition of justice. It is predicated on financial incentives, not people. To be fair, it (the system) has never clearly defined whose justice it protects. In my clear view, it is protecting itself in all scenarios. I don’t personally think it’s good or bad but rather what it functions as. The system is not against you or me, but it is equally not for us. Its incentive is to judge, not to protect anything but its own interest (as well as gain interest on the principal subject: those who don’t understand the system as well as those who “feel bigger” than the law). No one person is above the law or the system. The system is in place to serve itself financially by preying on the disorderly and their personal trauma. It’s more efficient than the insurance business as it will always have a consumer base (just like insurance companies will always have overly cautious people paying into plans for peace of mind that they will rarely call on in their lives). The reason the system works so well is that the end-user has hope that it will work. People are not wrong when they think that the system works. It definitely works. It just doesn’t work the way we think it should. There are a lot of things in life that don’t work the way we think they should. These irrelevant thoughts must be compartmentalized in order to not get distracted by the bottom lines. The bottom lines of the system are the following:
The system is not designed to hurt anyone, but its architecture is definitely not there to help you.
The parallel bottom line is that it’s to the benefit of the system itself for anyone to engage with it, especially in terms of crime and jail time.
The more one doesn’t know about the systematic ignorance of the system, the more one will believe in it as a concept and ignore the reality of its construct.
Is it ever worth getting caught up in a system that, by design and financial incentive, is predicated on a cycle of guaranteed trauma-based individuals who don’t understand they are a commodity/ pawn with a number and not a person?