Striving to be Rich is Not a Goal
Striving to be rich is not a goal. It is a wide net that usually doesn’t catch anything but things that depreciate in value over time. Many healthy and reasonable arguments can be made that being rich allows one to attain valuable things that increase over time. I would agree with the purchasing power aspect of having money, but never with the goal of being rich as being rich doesn’t enhance personal decision-making. I would go as far as to say that it decreases personal decision-making because it creates a cushion that deviates from logic. The cushion allows the repercussions of poor decisions to go unnoticed for longer periods of time. This in turn creates more unhealthy risks because the feedback loop of consequence is delayed (sometimes indefinitely). This set of circumstances increases dysfunction while increasing unfounded confidence void of a directly proportional rise in capability. This form of dysfunction usually metastasizes when one’s goal is to be something that poses as a destination. In fact, having great sums of money can only be used as an instrument to compose and influence the rhythm of one’s life in conjunction with one’s preferences (in contrast to choice based exclusively on survival).
Have you ever received money only to find your life and problems remained the same?