Values in general terms of business and how it affects the effects of personal.
My values as a child were instilled in me directly from my parents. I had no clue what the concept of value meant until it was defined through action by my parents outside of words. A lot of words by both my parents just didn’t make sense to me like:
“Set goals to understand how to manage expectation.“
“The height of great men reached and kept was never attained by sudden flight.“
“The truth will always be revealed outside of how smart someone thinks they are.“
“Don’t just do something, do it well.“
“Life is a learning process.“
“When you’re angry, you’re not able to listen and observe.“
”Observation is the only way to know what you don’t know.“
“You can learn from every single person, especially when you disagree.“
“Always ask questions even when everyone else thinks your foolish for asking as it’s never about what they think but only what you think of yourself that matters in the end.“
“Do not say you understand something you don’t.“
”There are no perfect relationships because you are not perfect and never will be.“
”Time is going. Make sure it doesn’t just go.”
“Straighten up to fly right.“
“Don’t gossip as that does nothing for either side.“
“100% dedication and focus is the only way to not be distracted.“
“Always smile no matter how you feel inside. If you have to fake it until you feel ok, do just that.“
“They will only judge you as you present yourself. Therefore, always make sure you’re presentable. It is the only thing people will really think of you. What’s inside only matters to you and God.“
“Figure out the way for you to deal with the fact that people will always be people. Don’t waste a single moment attempting to change them as it will always be futile.“
“Money is one of the most important things but it’s not all so be careful how you value it.“
“Don’t be afraid to admit when you’re wrong and adopt a new direction no matter what age.“
“Math is the key to logic as it’s not based on the subjective nature of us humans.“
“One minute alive and well, the next minute your not. That’s why every single day is a blessing.”
Like one’s favorite song, we typically only remember the chorus. We know the song is really good and how it makes us feel beyond the state of happiness because of how deeply it affects us. I coined the phrase “Hitz” to describe this scale of impact on the human spirit.
Hitz (© 1991): the ability to innovate and/or create a worthwhile idea that serves others beyond the sale of smoke and mirrors to hit the aim of service to the world on a notable scale.
While a lot of the things my parents said to me as a child were Hitz, I didn’t understand but I always remembered. As I got older and started dealing with more complexity the words of both my parents not only kept me on the straight and narrow but allowed me to narrow my focus on my goals, abolitions, and areas in which I need improvement (and there are many in my case to this day). Without them both, I would be an absolute well-intentioned disaster. I salute my parents not because of their title but because of the kind of individuals they are individually as well as collectively.
Many businesses attempt to enforce a culture like the one I’ve described in my household. The reason there will be increased pushback from employees in the next decade-plus is that business, in general, is being held accountable. All their words do not hold weight without the paralleled action. Therefore, being aggressively frugal with investment in people to maintain and increase profit margins while void of the appropriate value (and, in some cases, void of will) will not be tolerated by employees in the upcoming years of business. Profit will encompass a much deeper meaning to the everyday worker than money. Therefore a great-paying job will not be enough of a prerequisite to guarantee acceptance of a job in the marketplace.
As this approach by employees increases, the antiquated ideology of how much money someone can make will be replaced by a focus on value first and then money. Companies will be forced to adapt — not based on trying to seek something they are not, but based on making a genuine shift in presentation to their employees. Any experienced executive knows that this will change the contradictory nature of the shareholders as well as their unrelenting pressure, but it will improve the business ecosystem by putting value at the forefront to allow profitable gains on both sides of the economy. This in turn will have a measurable impact on the consumer and thus the economy, making the cyclical nature of recessions more tolerable in the economic state of the world. This evolving approach will affect the households of each person for the better. How much better is yet to be seen, but I look forward to it being seen.
What does profit mean to you: receiving a paycheck or making a profit?